50 In 50 : A Collection of Short Stories One for Each of Fifty Years - Harry Harrison

50 In 50

A Collection of Short Stories One for Each of Fifty Years

By: Harry Harrison

Paperback | 1 November 2002

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Fifty stories for fifty years!

A collection-and celebration-of the work of Harry Harrison

From his first sale in 1950 on, Harry Harrison has been one of the science fiction world's creative dynamos, working in every subgenre of the field, always bursting with provocative ideas. Parodic one moment, serious the next, Harrison has been called by Brian Aldiss "one of the few authors capable of carrying the old vigor of earlier days forward into a new epoch."

On the occasion of his fiftieth anniversary as a professional writer, Harrison has gathered together fifty of his best stories-one for each year-along with substantial notes and introductory material. 50 in 50 is at once a memoir, a compendium of an engaging body of work, and a look at the history of science fiction in the second half of the 20th century.

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