42 Is Not Just a Number : The Odyssey of Jackie Robinson, American Hero - Doreen Rappaport

42 Is Not Just a Number

The Odyssey of Jackie Robinson, American Hero

By: Doreen Rappaport

Paperback | 1 May 2019

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Jackie Robinson’s athletic talents would have easily landed another man a career in pro sports, but such opportunities were closed to athletes like Jackie for one reason: his skin was the wrong color. Jackie settled for playing baseball in the Negro Leagues until 1946, when the manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers recruited him for a position that would cause him to face cruel and sometimes violent hatred and discrimination: Jackie Robinson was going to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball.

In this compelling biography, award-winning author Doreen Rappaport chronicles the extraordinary life of Jackie Robinson and how his achievements won over — and changed — a segregated nation.

Book Features:
  • Now in paperback, a high-quality biography from a respected veteran writer of young nonfiction.
  • Doreen Rappaport is best-known as the author of the powerful picture book biography, Martin's Big Words, illustrated by Bryan Collier. This biography of Jackie Robinson makes a suitable and relevant complement.
  • In addition to her Candlewick nonfiction backlist, Doreen Rappaport is the author of the picture book biographies, Martin's Big Words; Helen's Big World; John's Secret Dreams; Eleanor: Quiet No More; Abe's Honest Words; Jack's Path of Courage; and others.
About the Author

Doreen Rappaport is the author of more than fifty books for children, including Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust; Lady Liberty: A Biography, illustrated by Matt Tavares; and Martin’s Big Words, illustrated by Bryan Collier.

Doreen lives in upstate New York.
Industry Reviews
Jackie Robinson's life has inspired a number of biographies for kids, and Rappaport adds a well-rounded and nuanced portrayal...A discussion guide is planned and may help adults and younger readers process the prejudice and hate that Robinson endured, particularly in his childhood and early career. An excellent biography that humanizes its legendary subject for middle schoolers.
--School Library Journal

Rappaport uses personal vignettes to bring to vivid life the story of the first man to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball...Drawing from Robinson's autobiography and other sources, Rappaport explores some of the seminal events in Robinson's life and the ballplayer's feelings about them, ably profiling a groundbreaking athlete and "one-person civil rights movement."
--Publishers Weekly

Rappaport offers an engaging account of the man's life and presents enough background information about American racism during the 1930s and 1940s to help young readers understand the depth of his courage and the magnitude of his achievement as "a one-person civil rights movement."

Brevity and accessibility...don't mean lightweight coverage: Rappaport slams down hard on the vicious opponents and rival fans...This is an excellent companion title to his daughter Sharon Robinson's Promises to Keep (BCCB 4/04).
--Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

In Doreen Rappaport's 42 Is Not Just a Number, Jackie Robinson shows the world his incredible skills and character.

This skillfully written biography uses anecdotes and well-chosen details to draw readers into the life of an extraordinary athlete and a courageous American who helped transform his country and his sport.
--Providence Journal

Jackie Robinson (1919-1972), one of the best baseball players in history, is most remembered as the man who broke the color barrier in major league baseball when he took the field as first baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947. This biography covers Robinson's early years, beginning when Jackie was eight years old and one of five siblings being raised by his mother in California.
--Literacy Daily

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