100 Ways to Be More Like Your Cat : Feline Wisdom for Happy Humans - Celia Haddon

100 Ways to Be More Like Your Cat

Feline Wisdom for Happy Humans

By: Celia Haddon

Hardcover | 27 February 2018 | Edition Number 1

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Content, living in the moment, finding pleasure in small things - your cat knows exactly how to get the best out of life.

So let your cat be your guru as Celia Haddon shows in 100 ways how adopting their outlook can lead to our own happiness.

Stretch out, relax, find a warm spot - and enjoy purrfection.

About the Author

Celia Haddon is a bestselling anthologist whose books have sold well over 1,000,000 copies worldwide. She was the Daily Telegraph's pet agony aunt and is a reputed lover and worshipper of cats, having lived with them and loved them since she was a child. She has compiled a number of anthologies in their honour. She is also compiler of the best-selling One Hundred Ways series and a qualified cat behaviourist.

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