Original Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln : As Reflected in His Letters and Speeches - H. Jack Lang

Original Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln

As Reflected in His Letters and Speeches

By: H. Jack Lang

Paperback | 1 January 2006

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  • First of America's "great communicator" presidents
  • Speeches and letters as postmaster, country lawyer, legislator, and president; his "words are as much alive today as when written or uttered"
  • This 1941 original has never been replaced or improved upon

    Lincoln's words ring with great rigor, clarity, and simplicity when compared to most of today's political utterances. Here we read his witty testimonial for a brand of soap, his sharp commentaries in the "rat hole" letter to a New York firm, his family correspondence to a spendthrift brother, and letters to a bereaved daughter, an angry general, and many humorous and satirical responses to political challenges--as well as those great moments of wisdom in his speeches and letters during the critical times in his career and in America's history.

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