The Thirteenities : Leading Tweens to Lives of Greatness and Goodness - Martti Pajunen

The Thirteenities

Leading Tweens to Lives of Greatness and Goodness

By: Martti Pajunen

Paperback | 24 February 2017

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The Thirteenities is a book for parents of tweens; children ages nine to twelve, who are at that critical pre-adolescent stage of life. Like the title of this book, parenting tweens can be both confusing and fascinating. But Canadian author Martti Pajunen believes that parents of tweens are provided an extraordinary opportunity in their role - to literally change the world. With over twenty-five years of experience working with families with adolescent children, his research revealed thirteen transformational and interconnected values that a tween could begin to embrace that would set them on the path to success into their adolescent years, and ultimately adulthood. By definition, The Thirteenities are a collection of virtuous values that parents can ignite and infuse in the lives of tweens, leading them toward lives of greatness and goodness. Starting with the principal value of maturity, and the secondary values of responsibility, integrity, and authenticity, the book assists parents in understanding the meaning of these values, how they can live them out, and how to lead their children to live them out as well. This innovative approach to parenting allows parents the freedom to be released from the "punishment and reward" model of raising children, and step into a fresh perspective of developing their character. The Thirteenities is like a pre-season coaching manual, assisting parents to strategically prepare for the adolescent years. In understandable language and warm tones, Martti unwraps The Thirteenities with images, illustrations and personal stories. The book also includes a step by step guide for parents to plan and run a coming of age ceremony for their son or daughter. The book and supplementary teaching is not a quick fix or three-step program to change the way your child behaves. In fact, it is much greater. It is a transformational approach to parenting that begins with changing our mindset as parents, not just trying to change our children. Find out more at

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