Mythology of the American Nations : An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Gods, Heroes, Spirits, Sacared Places, Rituals and Ancient Beliefs of the North American Indian, Inuit, Aztec, Inca and Maya Nations - David M. Jones

Mythology of the American Nations

An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Gods, Heroes, Spirits, Sacared Places, Rituals and Ancient Beliefs of the North American Indian, Inuit, Aztec, Inca and Maya Nations

By: David M. Jones, Brian L. Molyneaux

Hardcover | 1 January 2011

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From the earliest times, people have told stories of all-powerful gods and goddesses, mighty spirits and fabulous creatures to explain the mysteries of life. The Mythology of the American Nations explores the rich diversity of these legendary themes within North America, Mesoamerica and South America.

An instantly accessible A-to-Z format provides concise, easy-to-locate entries on more than 900 key characters, enabling the reader to discover who is who in the mythology of the Americas. The book is divided into three sections, each focusing on the mythology of distinct civilizations and regions. Within each section special illustrated feature spreads focus on unifying themes, such as Life, Death and the Afterlife; Creation Myths; Monsters and Demons; Star Knowledge; and Sacred Landscapes.

North American Mythology: Discover the universal themes of creation, transformation, powerful animals and the mythical 'living' landscape.

Mesoamerican Mythology: Explore the culture and beliefs of the Maya and Aztecs and other cultures - the temples they built to their gods, their astronomical knowledge and their insatiable need for human sacrifice.

South American Mythology: Learn about the haunting Inca people who worshipped the sun and the dramatic and cataclysmic decline of their civilization at the hands of Spanish explorers.

The Mythology of the American Nations is the most complete and lavish guide to the myths of some of the most significant ancient cultures in the world. Aimed at readers of all ages, this book is a rich source of information for learning about and understanding the myths and religions of the indigenous inhabitants of the American continents.

About the Author

David Michael Jones PhD, author of the Mesoamerican and South American sections, studied Anthropology and History at the University of California, Berkeley. He obtained a PhD in the Archaeology of the Americas at the University of London, Institute of Archaeology. Dr Jones is co-author of the Blue Guide to Mexico and has written many articles on Mesoamerican and South American art.

Brian Leigh Molyneaux specializes in the human use of the landscape, art and ideology. His research includes many years in northern Canada, recording and studying Algonkian rock art, and he recently completed a major study of Mato Tipila (Devils Tower National Monument) in Wyoming, USA. He has exhibited work at the National Gallery of Canada and the Gropius-Bau in Berlin.

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