Callsign Nassau : Dutch Army Special Forces in Action in the New World Disorder - Arthur Ten Cate

Callsign Nassau

Dutch Army Special Forces in Action in the New World Disorder

By: Arthur Ten Cate, Martijn Van Der Vorm

Paperback | 15 November 2016

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Based on exclusive interviews with personnel and materials from the archives of the Royal Netherlands Army Special Forces Regiment, Callsign Nassau reveals the unique history of the Dutch Green Berets and their operations in the post-Cold War era.

Arthur ten Cate and Martijn van der Vorm trace how the Netherlands transformed its Army Special Forces Regiment after 1989 for use in international interventions. Focusing on the Special Forces’ secret missions abroad—especially in Iraq, Afghanistan, and West Africa—this book provides exceptional insights into the Dutch commando community, the use of the Special Forces in modern coalition warfare, and the challenges facing contemporary counterinsurgency campaigns. 

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